SERVICE-LEARNING ADVANCES www.service-learningpartnership.org/SLA Tuesday
October 28 2003
In This Edition
- From the Chair
Strategic Plan Feedback
- New News
New Funding for Service-Learning in Your School and Community Tying Service-Learning to School Reform Two Service-Learning
Educators Win Prestigious Awards
- Partnership Progress
Youth Innovation Fund Rallies in Six Communities Four Service-Learning Videos from Kellogg Foundation Available Summary
of Feedback on the Partnership's Strategic Plan
- Talk It Up
Talk It Up Archives
- More News
Service Learning Stimulates the Brain The Power of Student Voice in Schools Civic Education in School: The Right
Time is Now
- Poll
What Is Your Biggest Need As An Advocate For Service-Learning?
- Quotable
Janet Wright, Nevada Service-Learning Partnership
From the Chair
Strategic Plan Feedback By Anthony Welch
part of NSLP's continuing efforts to listen to and learn from its members, I interviewed 41 leaders in the service-learning
field over the summer to garner their feedback on the Partnership's strategic plan.
feedback process served to:
affirm the strategic plan's general analysis and direction, with strong support from interviewees regarding the plan's analysis
of service-learning's challenges, as well as the planās proposed priorities, goals, and objectives; - strengthen connections
and relationships with a variety of service-learning leaders; and - obtain useful input regarding the plan that will be
used to strengthen its implementation.
report, now available on the Partnership website, outlines the broad themes of the feedback I heard during this process. I
have also included several pertinent comments that did not necessarily rise to the level of "broad theme," but that I found
particularly insightful. At the end of the report, I have included a list of the leaders I had the honor of interviewing during
this process.
encourage you to read the summary of feedback received. In addition, we continue to welcome responses to the stategic plan.
Sincerely, Anthony
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New News
New Funding for Service-Learning in Your School and Community Corporation for National and Community Service,
Youth Service America, and Youth Venture announce opportunities
Corporation for National and Community Service has announced $4 million for innovative strategies to effectively engage volunteers
in service; Youth Service America has announced 100 State Farm "Good Neighbor" awards of $1000, available to youth, teachers,
and school-based service-learning coordinators; and Youth Venture will provide $1000 seed grants to young people looking to
start their own clubs, organizations, or businesses that give back to their communities. Explore these opportunities and more
in this month's Funding and Awards. LINK
Service-Learning to School Reform Integrating and sustaining service-learning in your district
October 15th, Roger Rada, superintendent in Nestucca Valley, OR chatted on line for an hour with over 25 people. Dr. Rada
covered a range of topics, including examples of service-learning projects; impact on students and the community; standards,
assessment and No Child Left Behind; involving faculty, school boards, and community partners; and funding for service-learning
projects. LINK
Service-Learning Educators Win Prestigious Awards Teacher Wendy Doromal and principal David O'Shields recognized for service-learning
Doromal, a teacher at Timber Creek High School in Orange County, FL., was named one of five recipients of the Horace Mann-National
Education Association Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence. Doromal, a reading teacher, organized the service-learning
council at Timber Creek. Meanwhile, Clinton, SC middle school principal David O'Shields received the prestigious Milken Family
Foundation National Educator Award for his work to reorganize his school around effective instructional practices, including
service-learning. LINK
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Partnership Progress
Youth Innovation Fund Rallies in Six Communities The W.K. Kellogg Youth Innovation Fund held kick-off rallies
in six of its eight sites in the last month, bringing together hundreds of students, teachers, advocates, businesses, and
community partners to begin a four-year process of rebuilding community democracy through young people. Read press coverage
and press releases for the rallies, and investigate Youth Innovation Fund resources available on the Partnership's website. LINK
Service-Learning Videos from Kellogg Foundation Available Four videos and an interactive CD are available free from
the Partnership, in collaboration with the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, the Learning In Deed initiative, and service-learning
practicioners. LINK
of Feedback on the Partnership' Strategic Plan Board Chair Anthony Welch spoke to 41 service-learning leaders about
the Partnership's strategic plan this summer; link to a summary of their responses. LINK
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Talk It Up
Talk It Up Archives Talk It Up is a year-long series created to help National Service-Learning
Partnership members advocate more effectively on behalf of service-learning. The first seven editions of Talk It Up,
available on the Partnership website, feature hands-on perspectives on service-learning from teachers, students, administrators
and state officials. LINK
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More News
Click here for more news, this month's reader recommendations, service-learning in practice, conferences, and funding
opportunities. Click here for more news, this month's reader recommendations, service-learning in practice, conferences, and funding
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What Is Your Biggest Need As An Advocate For Service-Learning? LINK
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Service-learning gives us an opportunity to build new relationships and develop partnerships. These connections
are the treads of social capital and help us weave a stronger civic and community fabric.
Janet Wright, program director for the Nevada Service-Learning Partnership.
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This Service-Learning
Advances is supported with funding from the State Farm Companies Foundation.
Pass this Service-Learning
Advances to a friend!
National Service-Learning Partnership is housed at the Academy for Educational Development in New York City. Letters to the
editor may be sent by email to Theo Luebke at tluebke@smtp.aed.org or by US postal mail to Theo Luebke, The National Service-Learning Partnership at the Academy for Educational Development,
100 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10011. To notify the Partnership of changes to your membership information please e-mail us at
nslp@aed.org. |