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Officer's Report/ Minutes

Officers Update

Thursday, September 25, 2003

A chapter meeting was held today at last meeting to take care of some important business.

Members present:

Joshua Hardwick, President; Theresa Pedrosa, Vice President; Peggy Guernsey, SCTA Member; Amanda Salivan, Student; Rachel Maldonado-Aziminia, Personal Advisor; and Vanessa Cormier, Financial Advisor.

A newly revised constitution and standing rules were approved today at the chapter meeting. Please see the link on the website with all the changes, you can view either the hold document or in each section.

Two of the three seats for fall leadership were voted on, Theresa Pedrosa and Peggy Guernsey will be going, the remaining seat, plus two alternates will be elected next Thursday. We will also be voting on sending at least two more people to the conference that will come out the club account. We have the money to send more then that, but it will be up to the chapter what we spend and how many people can go.

We will be doing a lot of fundraising events to send people to out of state conference, mainly to the National Service Learning Conference in Orlando, FL to be held in March.

President Hardwick resigned as President at this meeting to take care of family issues and will not be on campus this semester as much as chapter president should be. Vice President Pedrosa will be taking over as president as the next in line. She accepted the position.

On October 2, nomination will be open for the position of Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and the President will have the option of appointed someone to the position of Interclub Affairs Representative.

Last week, President Hardwick appointed Rita Marquez to the position of Ethnic Minority Affairs Representative in the event that the new position is approved; new President Pedrosa will keep this appointed as planned as prearranged. Congratulation to Marquez as being the newly appointed to the new position of Ethnic Minority Affairs Representative to the Chabot College Chapter of the Student California Teachers Association.

President Pedrosa made her first appointments to appoint Joshua Hardwick as the new Past Officer and Statewide SCTA Liaison to the Chabot College Chapter.

The next meeting of the Chabot College Chapter of SCTA is schedule for Thursday, October 2, 2003 at 12:00PM in the AmeriCorp Office on the 2nd floor of the student center (2300 Building) directly above the stairs. We have a lot of business to take care of at this meeting followed by fun for the rest of the year.

Prepared by Joshua Hardwick, Past Officer/ Statewide SCTA Liaison