A weekly review of progress on the Quality Public Schools Agenda and
other legislation that impacts our students,
classrooms, and public
November 14, 2003
News Note! NEA member voices are being heard.
Representative Rob Simmons (R-CT) and Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) have
each voiced a litany of concerns about ESEA/No
Child Left Behind in
letters to Secretary of Education Rod Paige. Tell your Members of
Congress your stories.
The Week in Congress - More was Said than Done...
November 21 is the target date for Congress to adjourn.
But the House
simply scratched the week and recessed. In the Senate, more was said
than done.
Watch List of Key Issues -
¦ Vouchers - Down to the Wire
· Administration
strategy: attach a District of Columbia voucher
program to a "must pass" bill.
NEA strategy: Remove this onerous provision!
Tell Congress: Don't allow an end-run on a voucher plan that can not
pass on its own. [<