Date: November 18, 2003
From: Tim Fitzharris, Ph.D. Bulletin
Legislative Advocate
________________________________________________________ Schwarzenegger
Sworn in as Californias 38th Governor
On Monday, Arnold Schwarzenegger took the oath of office on the west steps of
the Capitol. In his acceptance speech, he vowed to remember all of the people - not just those who voted for him
in the Recall election - and to throw out the partisan bitterness and to humble the special interests (which are impeding
economic progress). All eyes - even international ones - were on California as the Golden States new governor traded
his Hollywood celebrity for political leadership. I have an immigrants optimism that I have learned in citizenship class
is true: The system does work, he said. Our founding fathers knew that the fate of the union was in their hands,
just as the fate of California is in our hands.
Governor Wastes No Time, Takes Action The Action Figure Governor
lived up to his movie persona and delivered on his campaign promise by signing an executive order repealing the controversial
Vehicle License Fee (VLF) within minutes of inauguration. His order (Executive Order S-1-03) (1) rescinds the Finance
letter of June 20, 2003, which reinstated the VLF and eliminated the offset from the General Fund, (2) orders the DMV
to reinstate the offset as soon as it is administratively feasible to do so, and (3) directs the DMV to refund taxpayers
all overpayments of fees already paid. As welcome as the repeal might be to vehicle owners, the action creates a $4 billion
hole in the current years Budget solution. Worse, local government is currently being allocated most of the dollars
raised by the higher fee. Local officials are already nervous about whether the dollars, which generally go to
support law enforcement and fire services, will be back-filled by the State Legislature. We cant raise taxes, said
David Janssen, Los Angeles Countys chief administrative officer, so our only option is to cut services. It would have
a devastating effect on Los Angeles County, primarily on public safety, parks and libraries. Leaders of the Democratic-controlled
Legislature said they had seen no plan for back-filling and warned that they would resist cutting other state services
to come up with the $4 billion now lost. Some Democrats are gearing up to again push for taxes on the wealthy, tobacco
and sales - as they did last year.
Legislature Called into Extraordinary Session(s) The Governors next action
was to call the Legislature into Extraordinary Session, actually, three of them, side-by-side. The first is to be
a session to consider and act upon: 1. Legislation relative to placing before the voters in the election to be
March 2, 2004, a general obligation bond to repay, restructure and finance Californias budget deficit recovery 2. A
Constitutional amendment to be placed before the voters in the election to be held March 2, 2004, a limit on government
spending to prevent a future budget deficit, establish a reserve fund, and vest extraordinary powers in the Governor
and Director of Finance in times of fiscal emergency 3. Legislation relative to funding the offset of the motor vehicle
license fee from the General Fund The second is to be a session to reform Californias workers compensation system.
The third is to be a session to repeal SB 60 (Cedillo) which authorizes illegal aliens to obtain drivers licenses in the
state. This afternoon, both houses convened the extraordinary sessions. However, acrimony began almost immediately
with Republicans demanding immediate action and Democrats insisting on a more deliberative process. This, following
more partisan statements by the Governor at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon and Senate Pro Tem John Burton (D-San Francisco)
at a Tuesday morning press conference. Schwarzenegger told his audience that they need to be prepared to fund
independent initiatives to get the reforms wanted. Burton, when asked where the Legislature would find the money
to reimburse cities and counties as the Governor has promised, said, He aint getting it from me. We dont have
the money. Thats a problem between him and local government.
Tomorrow, the Budget Committee will convene,
probably hearing first from Legislative Analyst Elizabeth Hill, who will reiterate her analysis of the States fiscal
condition released last week (See CDPI Bulletin of November 14, 2003). The Department of Finance will probably also
present its version of the economic crisis. The Assemblys Insurance and Transportation committees have scheduled meetings
to begin discussing the issues.
A Bond to Get Us Out of Fiscal Bondage? As indicated earlier, the Governor is asking
the Legislature to consider placing before the voters in the election to be held March 2, 2004, a general obligation
bond to repay, restructure, and finance Californias budget deficit recovery. It is generally understood that he wants
to limit the bond to $15 billion (the $10+ billion for the deficit that Analyst Hill identified and the new $4+ billion
VFL hole). It is rumored that he is thinking of a 15-year pay-off, rather than a 30-year obligation. He would apparently
resist anyones temptation to add more to the bond and, of course, the companion spending limit must accompany it. The
Legislature, however, may not be anxious to approve the March bond strategy. Conservative Republicans may resist
the bond, even a temporary revenue hike to make ends meet. Democrats, too, have expressed reluctance to sign off
on borrowing that pushes the solution into the future. Legislative action needed by December 5th in order to place a bond
on the March 2004 ballot. Watch that date to see if political bitterness has been replaced by amity.
You Damn Regulations Finally, the Governor issued an order (Executive Order S-2-03) suspending 85 packages of regulations
still pending from the Davis administration, and called for a review of Davis handling of all regulations, going back to 1999.
The order says: Subject to any exceptions the Director of the Department Finance allows for emergency
or other situations relating to health and safety, request, pursuant to the California Administrative Procedure Act, (State
departments shall immediately) return any proposed regulation, including emergency regulations, for final adoption,
amendment, or repeal or other processing by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) for further review for a period not to
exceed 180 days Subject to the exceptions described in paragraph (a) above, (State departments shall immediately)
cease processing, pursuant to the California Administrative Procedure Act, any proposed regulatory action, including emergency
regulations, for further review for a period not to exceed 180 days. The plan is to reassess the regulatory impact of
any proposed regulation for adoption, amendment or repeal on California businesses. It effects all regulations
currently in process and those in effect since 1999. An advisory body, consisting of no more than five persons knowledgeable
in regulatory matters, will to advise the Governor on how the regulatory process can be improved in California. The
Executive Order puts in doubt the RMR reforms currently being implemented by emergency regulation. Interestingly,
public testimony was taken on those permanent regulations today. It is not clear now whether these regulations
- current or permanent - can be enforced. If not, do provider payments at the old RMR levels have to be reimbursed
back to October 1st?
CTAs Universal Preschool Initiative Filed As reported previously in the November 7th CDPI
Bulletin, the California Teachers Association and Rob Reiner propose a new ballot initiative to fund voluntary preschool,
class size reductions, and teacher salary/benefits improvements. The initiative - which will be known as the Improving Classroom
Education Act - was filed with the Attorney General on November 14th. The initiative would raise approximately $5 billion
annually by increasing the tax rate on commercial property by .55 percent. Perhaps of most interest to the readers of
this newsletter, the preschool portion ($1.5 billion annually) calls for the funds to be for salaries and benefits for
certificated, permit and classified employees. All programs are to be staffed by employees of school districts of
county offices of education. Teachers shall maintain pupil ratios of 20:1 and there shall be a minimum of 180
minutes/day for 175 school days. School districts shall operate facilities within their districts. After July
2011, districts may only contract with providers with whom they have contracted during the six year phase-in period.
text of the new CTA/Reiner initiative may be found at the Child Develpment Policy Institute web site at:
you do not have adobe reader to download the full text of the CTA Initiative, you should first go to the CDPI web page
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