November 20 , 2003
>Tell Congress: 'Just Say No' to D.C. Vouchers >Educators Nationwide Urge Candidates, Congress to Fix Education Law >NEA Members Describe Education Law's Impact
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Tell Congress: 'Just Say No' to D.C. Vouchers
Negotiators have slipped a voucher provision into an omnibus
spending bill needed to fund many federal government services for this fiscal year. Learn more about vouchers and see why they are not the solution to improving educational opportunity in District of Columbia public schools. [More...]
Educators Nationwide Urge Candidates, Congress to Fix Education Law
See for yourself how NEA state affiliates are urging policymakers
to correct flaws in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act also known as "No Child Left Behind." Members are also pressing
Congress to hold public hearings to evaluate the Act and its consequences. [More...]
NEA Members Describe Education Law's Impact
With its burdensome testing and measurement requirements, "'No
Child Left Behind' forgets that the second word in the entire legislative idea is child," says a member from Maryland in an
NEA video series. [More...]
NEA Focus is published by the National Education Association Great Public Schools for Every Child
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