SERVICE-LEARNING ADVANCES www.service-learningpartnership.org/SLA Thursday
December 18 2003
In This Edition
- From the Chair
By Anthony Welch
- New News
Eisner Appointed Corporation for National and Community Service CEO New Service-Learning Guide for Elementary Schools Free
Professional Development Units on Implementing Service-Learning
- Partnership Progress
Web Chat on School and District Integration of Service-Learning Congressional Allocation of $43 million to Learn and
Serve Not Enough Annual Learn and Serve America Grantee Meeting
- More News
Announcements Reader Recommendations In Practice
- Last Minute News
John Glenn Scholars in Service-Learning - January 16 Deadline
- Quotable
Education is for larger purposes
From the Chair
By Anthony Welch
2003 comes to a close and we reflect on the Partnership's impact, we have much to celebrate. Our membership base grew from
1,700 members in January to over 6,500 at last count. Many of our members have succeeded in securing credibility for service-learning
at the district, state and national levels.
this regard, I'd like to offer a special word of congratulations to Dr. Carl Glickman, a member of the National Commission
on Service-Learning. Dr. Glickman's new book, Holding Sacred Ground: Essays on Leadership, Courage and Endurance in Our
Schools describes his work with the National Commission, and, in noting how service-learning contributes to American education,
he gives service-learning a tremendous boost. This kind of endorsement from such a well-respected educator will be of enormous
value to all those committed to advancing service-learning.
behalf of the Partnership's board, I wish all of you and your families a happy and peaceful holiday season.
below for more information on Dr. Glickman's book. http://www.josseybass.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0787956716.html
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New News
David Eisner CEO of Corporation for National and Community Service
Eisner, a former executive at AOL Time Warner and a nationally recognized expert on nonprofit capacity building and organizational
effectiveness, was confirmed by the Senate on December 10 as the next chief executive officer of the Corporation for National
and Community Service. The Corporation administers Learn and Serve America, Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and other domestic service
initiatives. LINK
Service-Learning Guide for Elementary Schools
East Bay Conservation Corps Charter School is offering Service-Learning As Civic Engagement: A Resource Guide for the Elementary
Grades.The guide helps K-5 teachers implement service-learning in their classrooms that arrives at civic outcomes. This
guide contains curriculum units as well as offers assessment tools and resources for service-learning practitioners. To download
the guide, click below. LINK
Free Professional Development Units on Implementing Service-Learning
can download three complete professional development units to teach your district or region about how to adopt, implement,
and institutionalize service-learning. The units were produced by Dr. James Toole of the Compass Institute, based on an evaluation
by RMC Research Corporation. They are available online or can be ordered from the Partnership as a CD. LINK
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Partnership Progress
Web Chat on School and District Integration of Service-Learning
December 15, Partnership members joined Dr. Cecilia Hawkins, assistant superintendent for service-learning at the Humble Independent
School District in Humble, TX and Partnership Board member Kim Huseman of Quest High School, also in Humble, TX, to discuss
the challenges of integrating service-learning at the school and district level. Huseman stressed that it takes much more
than a district plan to make service-learning effective. A grassroots effort with teachers is also essential. LINK
Allocation of $43 million to Learn and Serve Not Enough
a letter to all Partnership members on December 11, Board Chair Anthony Welch pointed out the inadequacy of the $43 million
allocation to Learn and Serve America for 2004 as part of a Corporation for National and Community Service appropriation.
Despite an unprecedented level of advocacy spearheaded by the Partnership, this $43 million budget has remained the same for
more than a decade. When adjusted for inflation, this figure is only worth $30.7 million today. The Partnership urges members
to lobby for more funds for service-learning next year. LINK
Learn and Serve America Grantee Meeting
From December 7 to 10, over 200 grantees attended the annual Learn and
Serve America meeting in Washington, DC. Participants benefited from in-depth sessions on service-learning, best practices,
evaluation, sustainability, research, and linking history, civics and service. Participants also visited over 30 congressional
offices on Capitol Hill, which, for many, was their first exposure to their lawmakers. LINK
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More News
Click here for more news.
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Last Minute News
John Glenn Scholars in Service-Learning - January 16 Deadline
next round of John Glenn Scholars in Service-Learning applications are due on Friday, January 16, 2004. Applications are being
sought for two areas of emphasis: 1) Civic Education and Participation, and 2) Academic Outcomes and Cognitive Development.
The John Glenn Institute for Public Service and Public Policy at The Ohio State University will recognize one individual from
each emphasis area whose scholarship efforts contribute to advancing the understanding of or adoption of service-learning,
with specific emphasis on K-12 education. LINK
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"Every student must learn that his or her education is not only for personal and career advancement, but for a larger
purpose as well." -- Carl Glickman
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This Service-Learning
Advances is supported with funding from the State Farm Companies Foundation.
Pass this Service-Learning
Advances to a friend!
National Service-Learning Partnership is housed at the Academy for Educational Development in New York City. Letters to the
editor may be sent by email to Theo Luebke at tluebke@smtp.aed.org or by US postal mail to Theo Luebke, The National Service-Learning Partnership at the Academy for Educational Development,
100 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10011. To notify the Partnership of changes to your membership information please e-mail us at
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