SERVICE-LEARNING ADVANCES www.service-learningpartnership.org/SLA Tuesday
February 24 2004
In This Edition
- From the Chair
First-Ever Advocacy Strand and Partnership's Annual Meeting at the National Service-Learning Conference
- New News
State Farm Launches New Service-Learning Initiative John Glenn Institute Call for Service-Learning Scholars $3 Million
Increase Proposed for Learn and Serve America
- Policy Briefs
Democratic Candidates' Positions on Service Students in Service to America Initiative Support Building for Service-Learning
in Missouri
- Partnership Progress
Web Chat on Diversity and Equity in Service-Learning Former Senator John Glenn Writes to the Next President
- Editor's Note
Service-Learning Summer Institues
- More News
Announcements and Events Funding and Awards In Practice and Reader Recommendations
From the Chair
By Anthony Welch
looking forward to seeing you at the National Service-Learning Conference in Orlando. The Partnership has organized two exciting
opportunities for the conference: a first-ever advocacy strand that includes seven back to back workshops and our third annual
meeting entitled The Road Ahead, Our Call to Action.
advocacy workshops, organized by the Partnership's Advocacy Committee, chaired by Nelda Brown, are described here.
annual meeting will be held on March 29, 2004 at 5:30PM, in the Grand Sierra Room B, at the Caribe Royale Resort and Convention
you there!
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New News
State Farm Launches New Service-Learning Initiative
Farm Insurance Companies, in collaboration with the National Service-Learning Partnership, seek proposals from K-12 school
districts for a three-year initiative to increase and sustain service-learning practice by creating partnerships among schools,
businesses and communities. Proposals are due April 16, 2004. LINK
Glenn Institute Call for Service-Learning Scholars
support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the John Glenn Institute for Public Service and Public Policy at the Ohio State
University has established the John Glenn Scholars in Service-Learning. During the next three years, the Institute will recognize
25 scholars whose efforts advance K-12 service-learning. Selection as a scholar includes a $1,000 honorarium. The deadline
for applications is March 12, 2004. LINK
Million Increase Proposed for Learn and Serve America
February 2, 2004, President Bush released his 2005 budget with a proposed Learn and Serve America appropriation of $46 million.
The additional funds will be used to provide service-learning training for educators. LINK
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Policy Briefs
Democratic Candidates' Positions on Service Two Democratic presidential candidates, John Edwards and John
Kerry, have taken public positions on service and how it relates to K-12 students. LINK to John Edwards' Statement LINK to John Kerry's Statement
in Service to America Initiative Students in Service to America Initiative is promoting American history, civics and
service in the nation's classrooms. A guidebook and CD ROM are available for adults interested in supporting service-learning. LINK
Building for Service-Learning in Missouri On February 10, 2004, a hearing took place in the Missouri state legislature
before the Senate Education Committee proposing legislation supporting K-12 service-learning. If the bill passes, Missouri
will join the short list of states with service and service-learning policies. LINK to Missouri State Senate LINK to Missouri House of Representatives
Michigan Lawmaker Doug Hart Honored Representative Doug Hart received the Presidentâs Award from the Michigan
Parent Teacher Student Association. Representative Hart spearheaded the creation of the Michigan House Civic Commission, considered
to be a national model by service-learning advocates in Michigan. LINK
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Partnership Progress
Web Chat on Diversity and Equity in Service-Learning
diversity and equity is as much of a challenge in service-learning as in other areas of American life. Join Dr. Verna Simmons
and Wokie Weah of the National Youth Leadership Council and Dr. Pamela Toole of the Compass Institute for this web chat on
February 25 at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. To join the chat, click here.
Senator John Glenn Writes to the Next President
Service-Learning Commission member Dr. Carl Glickman launched his book Letters to the Next President at the National
Press Club in Washington, DC on February 24, 2004. It includes a letter from the National Commissionâs chair, Senator John
Glenn. The Partnershipâs board chair, Anthony Welch, was on hand to emphasize the Partnershipâs role in extending the work
of the National Commission.
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Editor's Note
A number of service-learning institutes are planned for this summer. Look for information in the March 2004 issue of
Service-Learning Advances.
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More News
This month's announcements, events, funding, awards, practice resources and reader recommendations. LINK
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This Service-Learning
Advances is supported with funding from the State Farm Companies Foundation.
Pass this Service-Learning
Advances to a friend!
National Service-Learning Partnership is housed at the Academy for Educational Development in New York City. Letters to the
editor may be sent by email to Theo Luebke at tluebke@smtp.aed.org or by US postal mail to Theo Luebke, The National Service-Learning Partnership at the Academy for Educational Development,
100 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10011. To notify the Partnership of changes to your membership information please e-mail us at
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