SERVICE-LEARNING ADVANCES www.service-learningpartnership.org/SLA Monday
March 22 2004
In This Edition
- From The Chair
by Anthony Welch
- New News
National Service-Learning Conference Kicks Off! National Youth Service Day Service-Learning Summer Institutes
- Partnership Progress
$55 in â05: Federal Advocacy Campaign Service-Learning Supporters in Your Community New Map Charts Growth of Service-Learning
Supporters Nationwide
- Members In Action
CA State-House Visits Policy Forum Focused on Service-Learning
- More News
Announcements and Events Funding and Awards In Practice and Reader Recommendations
From The Chair
Those of you attending the National Service-Learning Conference, which starts this Sunday in Orlando, will be able
to participate in several terrific Partnership events. See you at:
* The
Partnership's third annual meeting, Monday March 29 at 5:30 PM. Together we will tackle this year's burning question:
On the road ahead, what more can we do to build a powerful advocacy network?
* Raise
Your Voice, a first-ever advocacy strand of seven workshops, spread over three days, organized by Nelda Brown, chair
of the Partnership's advocacy committee, and her fellow committee members
* Two
additional workshops on the W.K. Kellogg Youth Innovation Fund and District Lessons
* Our
booth. Pick up new products that help make the case for service-learning. Bring a colleague to enroll in the Partnership.
And take home information on the State Farm Good Neighbor Service-Learning Initiative.
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New News
National Service-Learning Conference Kicks Off! For details on conference sessions, keynote speakers, accommodation,
and other details, visit: LINK
Youth Service Day Youth Service America spotlights service-learning from April 16â18, 2004. Use the comprehensive on-line
resource for planning a service-day project. LINK
Summer Institutes Visit this link for more detailed information, which will be updated regularly. LINK
Ignition: Call for Applicants State Farm Companies Foundation and the National Youth Leadership Council are offering
25 grants of $2,000 each to high school students and teachers to create service-learning projects on teen-driver safety. Application
deadline: April 15, 2004. LINK
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Partnership Progress
$55 in '05: Federal Advocacy Campaign The Partnership will launch its new national advocacy campaign at
the National Service-Learning Conference to increase the 2005 funding for Learn and Serve America to $55 million. Visit our
Take Action section to learn more. LINK
Supporters in Your Community The Partnership now has over 7,300 members in all 50 states. You can search our member
directory by city, state, zip code, name or role in service-learning. LINK
Map Charts Growth of Service-Learning Supporters Nationwide Over 7,000 service-learning supporters appear on a new
nationwide membership map. Partnership members are charted by zip code and totaled by state. View the March 2004 edition at:
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Members In Action
CA State-House Visits Members of Youth Service California received a warm reception while visiting 10 senators
at the California state capitol on March 3, 2004 as a special feature of their annual conference. LINK
Forum Focused on Service-Learning On March 19, 2004, the American Youth Policy Forum, with support from the W.K. Kellogg
Foundation, held its final public forum in its series on No Child Left Behind. Panelists included Shelley Berman, superintendent
of Hudson (MA) Public Schools , former New York State Educator of the Year John Taylor Gatto, Mary Rodgers, District Service-Learning
Facilitator for the Abington (PA) School District, and Jon Schmidt, director of service-learning, Chicago Public Schools.
View reports of previous forums in the series at: LINK
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More News
This month's announcements, events, funding, awards, practice resources and reader recommendations. LINK
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This Service-Learning
Advances is supported with funding from the State Farm Companies Foundation.
Pass this Service-Learning
Advances to a friend!
National Service-Learning Partnership is housed at the Academy for Educational Development in New York City. Letters to the
editor may be sent by email to Theo Luebke at tluebke@smtp.aed.org or by US postal mail to Theo Luebke, The National Service-Learning Partnership at the Academy for Educational Development,
100 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10011. To notify the Partnership of changes to your membership information please e-mail us at
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