How Can You Join?
Download the application in PDF format.
We give you the extra preparation, knowledge and security you need to enable you to get and keep that job. You help us
make the difference in the field of education. Dues are nominal ($28.00) because we know most students have limited resources.
Membership Rebates for First Year Teachers CTA Bylaws allow a rebate to former Student CTA members who join CTA
during their first year of membership eligibility. Student CTA membership dues are rebated only to former SCTA members and
are $10.00 per year of SCTA membership, up to five years.
In addition, NEA will issue $10 for each year of Student CTA/NEA membership up to four years. Rebate application forms
must be submitted to CTA/NEA by MAY 1st of the first year in which you were eligible and held active CTA/NEA membership. For
applications, please contact the Student CTA office.
For download assistance click here.
Who Can Join?
We invite anybody interested in the issues and topics we focus our efforts on to join. Members must be able to dedicate enough
time to participate and make a difference in the organization.
Benefits of Joining
We Represent You
- Before California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, which accredits teacher-education programs,sets credential standards
and fees, and develops and administers statewide tests.
- On CTA minority caucuses, (African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Hispanic), on caucuses
related to disabilities and early childhood, and on the CTA Ethnic Minority Affairs Committee.
- Before other state and federal education boards and committees
- By lobbying and testifying in Sacramento and Washington, DC, when legislation affects us (testing, tuition, financial
aid, etc.)
- With voting participants on the CTA State Council of Education and on special CTA task forces on issues that directly
affect students and beginning teachers
- On the NEA Board of Directors, on NEA committees and as delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly

President Hardwick with CTA President Kerr and UCLA President Tran |

Group of teachers taking a break after a day of training at Summer Institute |

Vice President Pedrosa with fellow SCTA graduate at 2003 SCTA-RA |