In 1992, Rachel Maldonado-Aziminia (Advisor) work with SCTA and CTA to change the bylaws to allow
community college students to be part of SCTA, it was not until the 94-95 school year did that change happen.
Inaugural year
First Community College Chapter recognized as a chapter in SCTA
Club's name: Chabot College Student Teachers Association
President: Sergio Chaves
Vice President: Elizabeth Cain
Secretary: Alicia Vosberg
Treasurer: Michael Ghiselli
ICC Representative: Jeff Loaisiga
President: Elizabeth Cain
Vice President: Alicia Vosberg
Secretary: Norma Kerna
Treasurer: Mike Ghiselli
ICC Representative: Jason Kinchelow
Lost Chapter Status, no representation
Re-establishes charter under new name: Student
California Teacher Association
President: Melisa Schreier
Vice President/ICC Representative: Khepera Walker
Secretary/Treasurer: Debra Tearney-Wagner
Name change to: Student California Teachers
President: Lonyae Thomas
Treasurer: Bernard Kitchens II
ICC Representative: Evila Flores
SCTA Ethnic Minority Representative: Lonyae Thomas
President: Lonyae Thomas
Vice President: Nicole Orama
Secretary: Antwonette Reyes
Treasurer: Mellisa Turner
ICC Representative: Katherine McGrew
SCTA President: Lonyae Thomas
Lonyae is the first and only community college student to serve as President of
SCTA and she served for two terms (1999-2001).
President: Roger Castellanos
Vice President: Lonyae Thomas
Secretary: Gina Antonini
Member: Chantaine Fauntleroy [Chapter President of California State
University, Hayward Chapter (2002-2004)]
SCTA President: Lonyae Thomas
NEA Resolution Committee-Student Member: Lonyae Thomas
Name Change: Student California Teachers Association-Chabot College Chapter
President: Joshua Hardwick
Vice President: Tina Phillips
Secretary/Treasurer: Catharine Malandish
ICC Representative: Tamilyn Webb
SCTA State Council Representative: Joshua Hardwick
2002 NEA-RA Delegate: Joshua Hardwick
President: Joshua Hardwick
Vice President/Secretary: Theresa Pedrosa
Treasurer Rita Marquez-Kahaleua
ICC Representative: Thomas "Jonnie" Lind
SCTA Northern Regional Vice President: Joshua Hardwick
Abbreviation Change: Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP
President/ICAR: Theresa Pedrosa
Vice President: Vicki Newmen
Secretary/Treasurer: Peggy Guernsey
EMRA: Rita Marquez-Kahaleua
Past Officer/Statewide SCTA Liaison: Joshua Hardwick
SCTA Northern Regional Vice President: Joshua Hardwick
2004 NEA-RA Delegate: Peggy Guernsey
President/ICAR: Theresa Pedrosa
Vice President: Vielka Elvebak
Secretary: Lupita E. Velarde
Treasurer: Jaime E. Canales
Past Officer: Joshua Hardwick
Statewide SCTA Liaison: Peggy Guernsey [Chapter President of CSUH/SCTA]
SCTA State Council Representative: Peggy