Constitution and Standing Rules
50th Anniversary of Brown Vs. Board of Education
Our Purpose
Becoming A Member
Chapter Leadership
Officers' Update
Agendas and Minutes
Treasurer Reports
Education International


Of the

Student California Teacher Association

Chabot College Chapter



We the students of Chabot College organize the following association to better our awareness of the career we have chosen. We choose to improve the knowledge of the children in our communities. We choose to shape the minds of our future leaders to promote individualism and free thinking. We choose to teach.

Article I. Name

Section 1.01

The name of this organization shall be the Student California Teacher Association - Chabot Chapter (Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP).

Article II. Objective and Purpose

Section 2.01

The objective and purpose of this organization is to develop prospective educators and student support services personal (i.e. school counselor and guidance counselor, nurse/health services, psychologist, social worker, and librarian.) an understanding of the teaching profession; to provide for a unified voice in matters affecting the education profession; To advance the interest and welfare of students preparing for careers in education.

Article III. Membership

Section 3.01

Membership in this organization shall be open to those who have an interest in a career and issues of education. Members must be enrolled or officially admitted students of Chabot College.

Section 3.02

Membership shall not be denied on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, political affiliation, physical abilities, and/or sexual orientation.

Section 3.03

Every individual, upon payment of unified chapter, state, and national dues, will become a member of the Student California Teacher Association (SCTA) and the National Education Association-Student Program (NEA-SP).

Article IV. Membership Year

Section 4.01

The membership year shall be the first day of September through the last day of August (September 1 to August 31).

Section 4.02

Members that join on or after March 15 are valid through the last day of August of the following year.

Article V. Membership Dues.

Section 5.01

The annual dues for the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP shall be those annually as established by SCTA and NEA-SP.

Section 5.02

Unless otherwise provided, any and all changes to the annual dues shall take effect at the beginning of the membership year following their adoption.

Article VI. Local Affiliate

Section 6.01

The Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP shall meet the requirements necessary to affiliate with the Student California Teachers Association and the National Education Association Student Program.

Article VII. Local Chapter Executive Committee

Section 7.01

The official organizing committee of this association shall be Local Chapter Executive Committee.

Section 7.02

The Local Chapter Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Interclub Affairs Representative, and Ethnic Minority Affairs Representative.

Section 7.03

The Local Chapter Executive Committee shall have the authority to determine the general guidelines of the organization, to be exercised by a vote of the majority of its members.

Section 7.04

The terms of office for the Local Chapter Executive Committee will be for one year, beginning the first day of Summer Session through the last day of Spring Semester.

Section 7.05

No member may hold the same office for more than two one-year terms, unless appointed as a replacement to the Local Chapter Executive Committee after the first day of the year of the election.

Section 7.06

The association shall be responsible for guaranteeing open nomination in the conduct of the election of the Local Chapter Executive Committee.

Section 7.07

The members shall elect the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 7.08

The selected officers shall receive a majority vote of the members by secret ballot to obtain the position.

Section 7.09

Election for the Local Chapter Executive Committee shall be held in the month of April annually.

Section 7.10

The newly elected Local Chapter Executive Committee shall work with the present Local Chapter Executive Committee in an observational capacity from the first day in May (May 1) through the first day of office.

Section 7.11

The Local Chapter Executive Committee shall plan a minimum of two (2) meetings per month for the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP membership.

Section 7.12

The Local Chapter Executive Committee shall meet as the executive committee a minimum of once a month.

Section 7.13

In case of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice-President shall succeed to the office of President and serve for the balance of the term of office.

Section 7.14

In case of a vacancy in the office of Vice President, Secretary, and/or Treasurer the vacancy shall be filled by the organization from among its members by secret ballot and majority vote of its member to serve the balance of the term of office.

Section 7.15

In the event that an officer is not upholding the constitution any Local Chapter Dues-Paying Member who has attended at least fifty percent (50%) of the meetings can make a motion to impeach an officer with a 2/3 vote of members present.

Article VIII. Duties of the Elected Local Chapter Executive Committee

Section 8.01

The duties of the President are:

(a). Presides at all meetings of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP and declare the meeting;

(b). Presides at all meetings of the Local Chapter Executive Committee;

(c). Calls emergency meetings of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP and Local Chapter Executive Committee;

(d.) Appoints committee chairperson(s);

(e). Appoints the Interclub Affairs Representative and the Ethnic Minority Affairs Representative;

(f). Signs on all money expenditures from the funds of Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP when Treasurer is not available;

(g). Reports to the advisor(s) on all issues regarding the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(h). Ensures and uphold the Constitution of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(i). Attends all Alcosta Service Center Meetings as a student representative.

Section 8.02

The duties of the Vice-President are:

(a). Presides at all meetings at which the President is unable to preside and shall perform all duties of the President in his/her absence;

(b). Attends all meetings of the Local Chapter Executive Committee;

(c). Reports to the Local Chapter Executive Committee and all member of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP regarding the progress of any committees;

(d). Is responsible for coordination and ensuring membership in the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(e). Is the Sergeant-at-arms of all meetings of the members of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(f). Ensures and uphold the constitution of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(g). Is responsible for other duties as assigned by the Local Chapter Executive Committee;

(h). Attends all ASCC and ICC meetings on behave of SCTA when an Interclub Affairs Representative position is vacant.

Section 8.03.

The duties of the Secretary are:

(a). Is responsible for taking the minutes of all meetings of the Local Chapter Executive Committee and meetings of the members of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(b). Is responsible for maintaining a file of all agendas and minutes of past meetings;

(c). Keeps an accurate roster of the membership of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP and all committees;

(d). Prepares a committee that will oversee and prepare ballots for all elections and votes, counts the ballots, and presents the results to the members of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(e). Ensures and uphold the constitution of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(f). Is responsible for other duties as assigned by the President.

Section 8.04

The duties of the Treasurer are:

(a). Keeps accurate accounts of all the funds of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(b). Prepares and presents quarterly reports of the funds of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP to all members;

(c). Signs on all money expenditures from the fund of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(d). Ensures and uphold the constitution of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(e). Is responsible for other duties as assigned by the President.


Article IX. Interclub Affairs Representative

Section 9.01

The Vice-President shall fill the Interclub Affairs Representation (ICAR) position unless appointed otherwise.

Section 9.02

The ICAR term in office if the first day in September through the last day in May.

Section 9.03

The duties of the ICAR are as follows:

(a). Represents the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP at all scheduled meetings of the Interclub Council;

(b). Presents the purposes and intentions of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP to the Interclub Council;

(c). Reports on all Interclub Council meetings.

(d). Represents the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP to any clubs or special interest groups on or off campus to promote and encourage students into the educational field

Article X. Ethnic Minority Affairs Representative

Section 10.01

The President shall appoint an Ethnic Minority Affairs Representative (EMAR) by the beginning of Fall Semester of each academic year.

Section 10.02

The EMAR term in office if the first day in September through the last day in May.

Section 10.03

The duties of the EMAR are as follows:

(a.) Represents the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP to any ethnic clubs or special interest groups on or off campus to promote and encourage minorities into the educational field;

(b.) Stay in contact with the SCTA Ethnic Minorities Representative and report on all event or issues that are coming up;

(c.) Represent Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP to any conferences when a minority is not elected to attend and funds are available to send.

Article Xi. Committees

Section 11.01

The Local Chapter Executive Board shall establish Standing Committees and Adhoc Committees for the benefit of the members to conduct business with a direct focus in mind.

Section 11.02

Each standing committee shall consist of at least one executive officer, two other members and an advisor; the President shall appoint the chairs of each committee.

Section 11.03

Each committee shall meet as set by the Chair.

Section 11.04

An Adhoc committee shall be called for special events with members that are interested in being part of it; the President or designee shall assign a chair.

Section 11.05

The Vice President shall oversee all Adhoc committee.

Article XII. Parliamentary Authority

Section 12.01

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP.

Article XIII. Amendments

Section 13.01

Any proposed amendments to the constitution and standing rules shall be presented to the Local Chapter Executive Officers at least thirty (30) days prior to its proposed adoption.

Section 13.02

The constitution shall be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members by secret ballot.

Section 13.03

Unless otherwise provided, all amendments shall take effect at the beginning of the educational semester, set by Chabot College, following their adoption.


Adopted and Approved 09.30.93

Revised and Approved 10.31.95

Revised and Approved 11.18.01

Revised and Approved 09.04.02

Revised and Approved 04.05.03

Revised and Approved 09.25.03


Standing Rules

of the

Student California Teachers Association

Chabot College Chapter

Section SR1.

SCTA dues paying member that attends a CTA, and or SCTA sponsored conference can request for reimbursement when funds are available. He or She will only be reimburse for mileage, parking, and bridge toll when cost are not fully covered by SCTA, CTA Service Center, and / or CTA. He or She must be elected to go and approved at least thirty (30) days prior to the conference. (Adopted 11.18.01, Revised 09.25.03)

Section SR2.

The duties of the Advisor are: to attend all meetings of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP; to advise, inform, and guide the Local Chapter Executive Committee on all issues; to ensure and uphold the Constitution and Standing Rules of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP; and to co-signs on all money expenditures from the fund of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP. (Adopted 09.25.03)

Section SR3.

All nonmembers of SCTA can participate in all events hosted by Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP unless SCTA membership is mandated. (Adopted 11.18.01)

Section SR4.

The Local Association shall plan one activity in each of the following areas annually: Political Action, Community Outreach, and Teacher Quality. (Adopted 02.01.02, Revised 09.25.03)

Section SR5.

Any election or adopted rules as stated in the constitution can be suspended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present for the purpose of non-secrete ballot actions. (Adopted 01.15.03)

Section SR6.

Any member may file a grievance to the local chapter executive committee to challenge a decision of the committee. The grievance shall be dealt with through a due process hearing. An informal hearing will take place with the Chapter President and an advisor before it goes to the hearing committee. The committee shall include two executive officers, two dues paying members, and an advisor. After a decision of the committee is made, the chair shall present the results to the Chapter President. The Chapter President can either accept or veto the decision with an explanation. After a decision is made, the grievant has ten (10) days to file an appellate to the Chapter President or the decision is final. If an appellate is filed, the President will have five (5) days to take action to make a decision or the results will be overturn and the Advisors will make a final decision, they have two (2) days. After a decision is made, it is final. If the advisors are unable to make a decision the grievant has the option of filing a grievance to the college Vice President of Student Services within five (5) days or the matter will be close and finalize with the last decision made. (Adopted 09.25.03)

Section SR7.

The Local Chapter Executive Board shall appoint at the end of each term of office a Past Officer shall serve as the parliamentarian, the historian, and the communication editor and serves as an ex-official officer to the board. Past Officer is only a voting member if he or she is still a student of Chabot College with their SCTA membership stating the same. (Adopted 09.25.03)

Section SR8.

The Local Chapter Executive Board shall recognize all Statewide SCTA Executive Officers who are also student members at Chabot College to serve on the Chabot Local Chapter Executive Board as an SCTA Liaison to Chabot College. (Adopted 09.25.03)

Playing the piano; Size=130 pixels wide

This could be you in fifty-years. Teaching keeps joy in the hearts of the educator all their life.

Let us know if there are any events or updates you would like to share with fellow members.