Standing Rules 6
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Section SR6.

Any member may file a grievance to the local chapter executive committee to challenge a decision of the committee. The grievance shall be dealt with through a due process hearing. An informal hearing will take place with the Chapter President and an advisor before it goes to the hearing committee. The committee shall include two executive officers, two dues paying members, and an advisor. After a decision of the committee is made, the chair shall present the results to the Chapter President. The Chapter President can either accept or veto the decision with an explanation. After a decision is made, the grievant has ten (10) days to file an appellate to the Chapter President or the decision is final. If an appellate is filed, the President will have five (5) days to take action to make a decision or the results will be overturn and the Advisors will make a final decision, they have two (2) days. After a decision is made, it is final. If the advisors are unable to make a decision the grievant has the option of filing a grievance to the college Vice President of Student Services within five (5) days or the matter will be close and finalize with the last decision made. (Adopted 09.25.03)
