March 6, 2003
50th Anniversary of Brown Vs. Board of Education
Our Purpose
Becoming A Member
Chapter Leadership
Officers' Update
Agendas and Minutes
Treasurer Reports
Education International

Student California Teachers Association

Chabot Chapter

General Session


Thursday, February 6, 2003,12:00pm

Children Center 3511

  1. Welcome meeting called to order at 12:15pm
  1. Introductions members present: Rita, Vicki, Theresa, Joshua, Jonnie
  2. Approval/Modification of the Agenda motion by Rita, 2nd Vicki, motion carries
  3. Approval/ Modification of the Minutes from 12.05.02 motion by Rita, 2nd by Vicki, motion carries
  4. Approval/ Modification of the Minutes from 01.30.03 motion by Jonnie, 2nd by Rita, motion carries
  1. Public Comments (Limited to two minutes) club day on Feb. 25, budget info crisis, Jonnie added, "AHHHHHHHHH!"
  2. Officers Reports
  1. President No formal report, under stress, conference is going great
  2. Vice President No Report
  3. Secretary trying to get students to join from her ECD 90 class, did volunteer work for the MLK day event at Centennial Hall
  4. Treasurer Rita received 10 turn downs, needs Joshuas business cards, Kelly Moore is looking for damage paint cans to donate.
  5. ICC Representative as of yesterday the ICC Chair resigned, there will be a character workshop at CSUH on Feb. 22 from 9-4, contact Vanessa Cormier for more information
  1. Committee Reports
  1. Northern Regional Conference Still happening on March 8, need more membership from Chabot to attend
  2. Outreach to Teach no report
  3. Political Outreach no report
  4. Community Outreach no report
  5. Fundraising Committee wants to hold a rummage sale and penny drive
  1. Information Items
  1. Members T-shirt Rita will be looking in at receiving a discount on polo shirts from the bookstore and report at next meeting
  2. Welcome new advisor not present to welcome
  3. CTA Higher Ed W.H.O. award nomination no comments
  1. Planning Items
  1. Outreach to Teach- no action
  2. Kiss-A-Creature- moved to carnival date in May
  3. Campus visitation- ran out of time to this
  1. Action Items
  1. Delegates to CTA Equity and Human Right Conference 2 Rita and Theresa
  2. Delegates to SCTA lobby day 2 tabled for next meeting
  1. Math Game- tabled
  2. Next Meeting Agenda/ Open Forum
  3. Adjournment motion by Jonnie, 2nd by Theresa, motion carries at 12:58pm
  4. Next Conference Planning Session: Thursday, February 13, 2003 @ 12pm in the Children Center room 3511- Cancelled

Next General Session Meeting: Thursday, February 20, 2003 @ 12pm in the Children Center room 3511

Minutes 2002-2003