Article VIII. Duties of the Elected Local Chapter Executive Committee
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Article VIII. Duties of the Elected Local Chapter Executive Committee

Section 8.01

The duties of the President are:

(a). Presides at all meetings of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP and declare the meeting;

(b). Presides at all meetings of the Local Chapter Executive Committee;

(c). Calls emergency meetings of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP and Local Chapter Executive Committee;

(d.) Appoints committee chairperson(s);

(e). Appoints the Interclub Affairs Representative and the Ethnic Minority Affairs Representative;

(f). Signs on all money expenditures from the funds of Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP when Treasurer is not available;

(g). Reports to the advisor(s) on all issues regarding the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(h). Ensures and uphold the Constitution of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(i). Attends all Alcosta Service Center Meetings as a student representative.

Section 8.02

The duties of the Vice-President are:

(a). Presides at all meetings at which the President is unable to preside and shall perform all duties of the President in his/her absence;

(b). Attends all meetings of the Local Chapter Executive Committee;

(c). Reports to the Local Chapter Executive Committee and all member of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP regarding the progress of any committees;

(d). Is responsible for coordination and ensuring membership in the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(e). Is the Sergeant-at-arms of all meetings of the members of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(f). Ensures and uphold the constitution of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(g). Is responsible for other duties as assigned by the Local Chapter Executive Committee;

(h). Attends all ASCC and ICC meetings on behave of SCTA when an Interclub Affairs Representative position is vacant.

Section 8.03.

The duties of the Secretary are:

(a). Is responsible for taking the minutes of all meetings of the Local Chapter Executive Committee and meetings of the members of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(b). Is responsible for maintaining a file of all agendas and minutes of past meetings;

(c). Keeps an accurate roster of the membership of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP and all committees;

(d). Prepares a committee that will oversee and prepare ballots for all elections and votes, counts the ballots, and presents the results to the members of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(e). Ensures and uphold the constitution of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(f). Is responsible for other duties as assigned by the President.

Section 8.04

The duties of the Treasurer are:

(a). Keeps accurate accounts of all the funds of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(b). Prepares and presents quarterly reports of the funds of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP to all members;

(c). Signs on all money expenditures from the fund of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(d). Ensures and uphold the constitution of the Chabot SCTA/NEA-SP;

(e). Is responsible for other duties as assigned by the President.
