50th Anniversary of Brown Vs. Board of Education
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The virtue of angels is that they cannot deteriorate; their flaw is that they cannot improve. Humanity's flaw is that we can deteriorate; but our virtue is that we can improve.

-  Hasidic saying

I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.

- Mother Teresa

In our journey towards God, we proceed like those small birds whose flight is in loops. They always seem to be about to drop, but the drop in their flight seems to urge them forward.

- Gerard W. Hughes

Beware, the life of this world is nothing but a pastime, a momentary delight. It is but empty bragging, a pursuit of wealth and children. It is like the vegetation that flourishes after rain and is a source of delight to the farmer; but soon it turns yellow and withers away, crumbling into worthless waste. But in the life to come an eternal contentment or a grievous suffering awaits you. The life of this world is only an illusion.

-Qur'an, Al-Hadid, Surah 57:20

First a person should put his house together, then his town, then the world.

- Rabbi Israel Salanter

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