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04/02/04 12:38:12 Governor Schwarzenegger Announces Appointments to the State Teachers' Retirement B
03/04/04 10:27:16 Governor Schwarzenegger Proclaims March "Arts Education Month"
03/03/04 16:41:39 Governor Schwarzenegger Proclaims March "Red Cross Month"
03/03/04 16:40:40 Governor Schwarzenegger Declares March "Women's History Month"
02/23/04 11:07:11 Governor Schwarzenegger's Letter to Attorney General Lockyer Regarding Same-Sex Ma
02/10/04 15:52:29 Governor Schwarzenegger Creates California Performance Review
02/10/04 14:53:02 EXECUTIVE ORDER S-5-04
01/28/04 16:57:21 Governor Schwarzenegger Proclaims February "African American History Month"
01/28/04 16:47:39 Governor Schwarzenegger Proclaims February 4th "Girls and Women in Sports Day"
01/28/04 12:25:04 Governor Schwarzenegger Proclaims January "California Mentoring Month"
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